I have been acting as a forensic aviation expert since 1997 within the frames of my private enterpreneurship since 2005 on the following fields of civil aviation.:


- Air Traffic Sevices

- Flight Operations of Aeroplanes (MTOM 5.700 kgs or more)

- Flight Operations of Aeroplanes (MTOM<5.700 kgs)

- Flight Operations of Helicopters (MTOM<5.700 kgs)

- Flight Operations of Sailplanes (=Gliders)

- Flight Operations of Hang Gliders

- Maintenance of Aeroplanes (MTOM 5.700 kgs or more)

- Maintenance of Aeroplanes (MTOM<5.700 kgs)

- Maintenance of Helicopters (MTOM<5.700 kgs)

- Design, manufacturing, repair & maintenance of Sailplanes/Gliders

- Design, manufacturing, repair & maintenance of Hang Gliders


Additionally I hold a valid Air Transport Expert Certificate issued by the Ministry of Innovation & Technology of Hungary for the following fields of civil aviation:

- Air Transport Safety (air accident analysis)

- Air Traffic Services

- Flight Operations of Aeroplanes (MTOM 5.700 kgs or more)

- Flight Operations of Aeroplanes (MTOM<5.700 kgs)

- Flight Operations of Helicopters (MTOM<5.700 kgs)

- Flight Operations of Sailplanes (=Gliders)

- Flight Operations of Hang Gliders

- Maintenance of Aeroplanes (MTOM 5.700 kgs or more)

- Maintenance of Aeroplanes (MTOM<5.700 kgs)

- Maintenance of Helicopters (MTOM<5.700 kgs)

- Design, manufacturing, repair & maintenance of Sailplanes (=Gliders)

- Design, manufacturing, repair & maintenance of Hang Gliders


Moreover I hold a valid Air  Transport Expert Certificate issued by the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers:

- code: D-20 design & construction of fixed-wing aircraft (whole aircraft, airframe, engine avionics) – id.no.: 01-4758.

Until today I have issued 71 written expert reports of which 24 has been prepared by government assignments (13 for the Police Hungary & 11 by court of justice assignment) & 47 for private clients.

Subject of 4 reports were fatal catastrophies & of 22 aircraft appraisals.

Having been experienced in aircraft accident & incident site investigations & the following analysis since 1986.

My total flight experience till now consists of  17.387 hrs on powered aeroplanes  + 1.316 hrs on sailplanes/gliders, all together 18.703 hrs.

My pilot licence has been continuously valid since 1982 & by now is an EASA Airline Transport Pilot Licence (EU ATPL) containing the following:

- type ratings: AIRBUS A330/350 + A320;

- class ratings: MEP(land) + SEP (land)+TMG;

- instructor ratings: TRI(A)A330/350 & -A320 + IRI(A),FI(A)-FI,CRI(A)/ME,SE,TMG+FI(S)-FI,cloud-flying,TMG +FI(UL).

My EASA Flight Crew Examiner Certificate has been continuously valid since 2019 containing the following EASA examiner categories:


- FIE(S),FE(S)-cloud-flying,TMG;

- LPA 

& the following Hungarian national categories:


I hold an  ICAO ELP (=English Language Proficiency) Assessor/Rater Acceptance Certificate since 2016 valid for the following EASA/ICAO member states:

- Hungary. 

www.aeroexaminer.hu & www.aeroexaminer.eu

I have been a holder of a continuously valid Aircraft Maintenance Licence since 1987 which is by now meets EASA PART-66 AML standards.

During my aviation career I have been the CAA approved assigned nominated postholder for flight opereations (=chief pilot/director of flight operations) of 2 companies (AOC holders) , Head of Training (= HT) of one flight school (EASA ATO)   & curerntly serving as a Complaince Manager (=CM) of another EASA ATO. & the CAA approved nominated postholder for maintenance (=chief engineer/maintenance director) of another 2 companies 

As a sailplane/glider pilot my experience is 44 years of which 38 years as an instructor.

As a pilot of powered aircraft my experince is 34 years of which 31 years as an instructor.


Both sides of Forensic Expert Certificate no. SZ290718 of László Madas reg.no.: 005401 issued by the Ministry of Justice Hungary

Both pages of Air Transport Expert Certificate no.: LKH-25443-1/2018-ITM, dated: 07.August 2018. re-issued in unified structure by the Ministry of Innovation & Technology as the Civil Aviation Authority of Hungary

Air Transport Expert Certificate  no.: 01-4758, field code: D-20 for Design, construction (whole aircraft, engine,airframe, avionics) of fixed wing aircraft issued by the Chamber of Engineers Budapest

Expired on 06 March 2011  former Leading Air Transport Expert Certificate no.: 01-4758, field code: W-K6-2 for design & operations of  aircraft. The title is not being to be allocated anymore.


Certificate of Attendance of the Flight Data Monitoring/Fligth Data Analysis Programme (Intro) at the JAA TO in Amsterdam on 28-29 March 2018

Certificate of Attendance of the Advanced Accident & Incident Investigation Training Course at the JAA TO in Amsterdam on 24-26 January 2018

Certificate of Attendance of the Introduction to Accident & Incident Investigation Training Course at the JAA TO in Belgrade  on 10-11  December 2009

Flight Supervisor Licence no.: 03-0240 issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of Hungary on 02 August 1989 when the holder has been serving as an air accident & incident investigator on duty for the National Aero Club Centre of Hungary & as such has been involved in numerous investigations representing the operator.