- e-mail: madas.laszlo@gmail.com;
- mobile: +36 20 9272990;
- mail address: 3. Koronafürt utca, Budapest, Hungary, ZIP: H-1165
My forensic & civil aviation expert certificates & ratings are listed & published in the following public registers:
Ministry of Justice (Igazságügyi Minisztérium = IM): accessible either directly on the IM web-site or via the web-site of the Chamber of Forensic Experts Hungary (= Magyar Igazságügyi Szakértői Kamara = MISZK)
directly: https://inyr.im.gov.hu/experts/advanced-search
indirectly: https://miszk.hu/index.php/kapcsolat/igazsagugyi-szakertoi-nevjegyzek
Former Civil Aviation Authority Hungary (Légügyi Hivatal = LH), followed by currently the 4 successor departments of the Ministry of Innovation & Technology (=Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium = ITM), formerly the Ministry of National Development (Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium = NFM) acting as the Civil Aviation Authority:
Chamber of Engineers Hungary:
Chamber of Forensic Experts Hungary: